Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Connecting Beogram RX2 to BeoMaster 1900

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  • #48674
    BRONZE Member

      I am trying to connect a Beogram RX2 to BeoMaster 1900 2904.

      I just go these two items and I am not able to get sound from the turntable to the receiver.

      The receiver seems to be working fine, when I plug in a Bluetooth device to the Tape input with a 5-DIN to RCA adapter plug I bought, I get beautiful sound.

      The turntable seems fine, but when I plug the RCA jacks from the turntable to the same RCA jacks on the 5-DIN adapter in the Tape input, I get no sound.

      I also tried the Phono 5-DIN input with the RCA adapter, and nothing.

      Do I need a pre-amp? Or could something be wrong with the turntable?

      Any help would be appreciated.



        For connecting to the Tape input you will need a RIAA.
        The Phono input, however, should be at correct level – unless the internal RIAA in the
        Beomaster has been disabled. It’s not that unusual to see. In that case, you should only
        hear very low signal, and very treble-rich, because the RIAA correction is missing.


        BRONZE Member

          OK thanks, going to try a pre-amp.

          BRONZE Member

            So, I got a preamp, Pyle Phono Turntable Preamp, https://www.amazon.com/Pyle-Phono-Turntable-Preamp-Preamplifier/dp/B00025742A

            Hooked up the RCA from the Beogram RX2 to the INPUTs, and sent the Outputs to the RCA to 5-DIN, into the Tape (also tried the Phono) inputs to the 1900.

            I hear a very faint sound, some hum, but not working properly.

            Any ideas?




              Bad pickup cartridge?
              The faint sound you here – does it correspond to what you what expect to hear from the record?


              BRONZE Member

                Yeah the faint sound is the record, it is just one channel left, and some humm.

                I am going to try a different pre-amp that says it is MM type compatible. Think that might help.

                The guy that sold it to me swears it was working fine when he shipped it.


                BRONZE Member

                  The new rep-amp is working much better. But right channel is not working, think it may be the cable.

                  So for B&O MMC2 you need an MM compatible pre-amp, like the one I bought:

                  And the reason I even need a pre-amp is probably because the BeoMater 1900 I have has screwed up Phono Inputs as was said above.

                  Thanks all.

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