Home Forums General Discussion & Questions Cabling to use 2 daisy-chained speakers with 2 Receiver 1 units

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  • #41252
    BRONZE Member

      I have 2 ceiling-mounted Beolab 4000s that were daisy-chained when I had them connected by wired powerlink cable with my Beosystem 4. I now need to connect them wirelessly to my Theatre -once B&O sorts out the issue with the Receiver 1. As anyone with BL4000s knows, the brackets cover the sockets and those speakers are heavy and awkard to handle. So I’d rather leave them cabled as they are and not be climbing on a ladder to re-cable them and re-run cable management. When using a Receiver 1, we have to use a Receiver 1 for each speaker as they only carry one channel of sound. Would it be possible to use a powerlink y-adapter cable to connect to each of the 2 Receiver 1 units to merge the two channels back into the single powerlink cable that’s connected to the BL4000s? I know that this is rather opposite of the y-cable’s intended purpose, but it seems that since all of the cables ends are fully-wired that it could also serve the purpose of bringing two channels of sound back into one single cable.

      Steve at Sounds Heavenly, I would especially be interested in hearing your thoughts on this since you’re the cable expert.


      Hi, I’m sorry but I don’t think this will work as each Receiver 1 outputs mono sound to both audio channels from what I remember.

      The best option is to cable the speakers to the Theatre if you can as there are currently issues when using Receiver 1 with the Theatre.

      Kind regards Steve.

      BRONZE Member

        Thanks, Steve. I need wisa because I don’t have enough wired PL sockets for a 7.1.4 speaker configuration. I will test whether speakers recognize the signal being sent as L or R channel by toggling the L/R switch on some other speakers when I get an opportunity. Thanks again for your input.

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