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  • #47165
    BRONZE Member

      Hello all,

      I am new to the Forum.

      I would like to place a few items for sale in the Buy and Sell section of the forum.

      Do I need to ask permission or can I just post right away in that section.

      Thanks all.


      BRONZE Member

        As far as i know, you can only do that with an higher tier member subscription. Correct me if i’m wrong, but now you’ll have an answer soon!

        BRONZE Member

          Thanks for answering my question.

          BRONZE Member

            no worries:

            Here’s the info:

            Silver Membership
            Silver membership offers all of the bronze level plus access to the archive of user and service manuals for B&O products. This level also allows you to post on the “For Sale” and “Wanted” sections on our forum which are full of bargains and an excellent place to sell your B&O.

            12 months membership


              Hi, welcome to Beoworld and thank you for taking care of asking.

              Actually the rule is “paying members – Silver and Gold – are allowed to post in private ads.”

              The recent makeover of the forum, due to numerous reasons, leading to a lot of work of good-willing people as made the “lock” to this rule not working.

              So if you post, it will work and people will see your ad. and no (trustfull) buyer here will refuse to save a good piece from the trash or get a very desired item from a (supposed) trustfull seller and your deal will happen.

              But if you sell your things through Beoworld, please just consider making a donation or enrolling for a membership, just as a “thank you”.

              Of course, if the items you want to sell have nothing to do with the BOU (Bang & Olufsen Universe), moderators will remove your add.

              Truth to be told.

              Location: Paris France
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