Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Bogram 6000 Type 5751 Pickup Arm fail to raise

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  • #63834
    Bjørn Røgeberg
    SILVER Member

    I just pulled my Beogram 6000 from storage. Where it’s been sitting for around 15-20 years.

    The pickup arm was in a strange position (hitting the “roof” or lid). I have tried running it a bit, and adjusting Pickup Height, Arm Balance and Arm Lowering according to the service manual. Setting the hight above the record at 5mm.

    Starting playing a record then works fine. But at the end of the record it will just drag itself out to the side, failing to raise the arm.

    Then I repeat the process of adjusting the height to 5mm (need to raise the arm). I do this a few times, with the same result.

    I then realise that I do not need to re-adjust the height of the arm, just “fiddle around” with it a bit, then it will eventually raise to the normal resting position.

    This seems like a lubrication problem? Does this mean I would have to dismantle the whole Pickup arm assembly? Including desoldering the very tiny leads.

    Any other suggestions?

    The Beogram 6000, typ 5751 service manual does not contain any information about lubrication, nor any troubleshooting guiding on this kind of issue.


    Best regards,

    Bjørn Røgeberg

    Bjørn Røgeberg
    SILVER Member

    I think I got a bit furter in the investigation. See attached image. The mechanism to raise/lower the pickup arm is the brass shaft in the middle of the picture.

    The grease (green) is old and it is very hard to move the piston inside the shaft up and down (I have disconnected the arm controlling the raise mechanism, it’s the long arm with white plastic at the end behind the brass shaft).

    I guess I will have to get this piston out of the shaft, the piston is called part 1576 in the service manual. It seems very hard to get this piston out. I will have to dismantle the whole record player.




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    Bjørn Røgeberg
    SILVER Member

    I might have solved it. Dissolved most of the visible hard grease using CRC 5-56 (similar to WD-40 I think) by applying a small amount on a Q-tip. Cleaning away as much as possible and wiping the excess off with some softe paper. The piston now moves freely inside the shaft. I finally added a small amount of new grease (teflon based bike grease).

    Did another adjustment of the Pickup Height and it now seems to work well.




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