Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram BG with RIAA connect to a PL based Beolab

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  • #48162
    BRONZE Member

    This question has probably been asked before but searching in the archive I have not found anything.
    Is it possible to connect a Beogram with built-in RIAA (e.g. Beogram 3500) directly to a Power Link based Belolab (e.g. Beolab 4)?
    – If Yes then what kind of cable is needed
    – If No what is then the most simple (or cheapest) setup required?


    Location: Denmark
    GOLD Member

    You will need some kind of volume controller.

    I’d go for a Playmaker and connect the BG (using an adapter cable from DIN to RCA L/R).
    From there just use regular PL for the speakers.
    The line-in port on the Playmaker has auto sense – just start playing.

    You can get the Playmaker cheap – I just looked on Blå Avis.
    Any Beo4 will be able to control the volume – maybe you already have one.


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark


    Yes, I get asked this question a lot (ie. most days!).  The simple answer is No.  Don’t try it.

    Why?  Beolab speakers (with a few exceptions listed below) don’t have their own volume control, they rely on a connected music system to adjust the volume for them.  The speaker is effectively fixed at full volume.

    If you connect a fixed volume device like a turntable directly to a fixed volume speaker, the result is that you get a burst of massively loud sound which often destroys the speakers (and sometimes also damages your ears) within a few seconds.  Not recommended…

    The answer is to connect a music system with a volume control (eg. a Beosound, Beocenter, Sonos Port, or other amplifier) with a volume control between the turntable and the speakers to give you the ability to turn down the volume.  Pretty much any combination of turntable, music system and speakers is possible, please click on my link at the foot of the page if you need help with connecting specific products.

    The exceptions to the rule above?  Certain high-end Beolab speakers (Beolab 5, 28, 50 and 90) have their own volume adjustment, so they can directly accept a fixed volume input.  For all other Beolab speakers, it is a definite no-go without adding a volume controlled device in the middle of the chain.

    Hope that helps!

    Kind regards, Steve.

    Location: The cable workshop, England
    Favourite Product: Beosystem 72-23
    Signature: Cables, friendly advice and great ideas for connecting Bang & Olufsen! Ask any questions at https://soundsheavenly.com to get the best from your B&O! Please visit my B&O YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/soundsheavenlycables
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    BRONZE Member

    Thank you, I like the Playmaker option. Then it requires a RJ45<->7-pin DIN (male) cable and a 7-pin DIN splitter (female to 2xmale) – correct?



    Location: Denmark

    Hi Pindsen,

    This cable links a Beogram with a pre-amp (eg. Beogram 3500) to the PlayMaker RCA inputs:-


    For the Powerlink version of Beolab 4 with 8 pin sockets fitted, two of these cables will link the two speakers to the PlayMaker:-


    Kind regards, Steve.

    Location: The cable workshop, England
    Favourite Product: Beosystem 72-23
    Signature: Cables, friendly advice and great ideas for connecting Bang & Olufsen! Ask any questions at https://soundsheavenly.com to get the best from your B&O! Please visit my B&O YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/soundsheavenlycables
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    GOLD Member

    Adapters like these two should do the job….if you want to go the Playmaker route.
    Use your excisting PL cable with the RJ45 adapter
    Use the 7 pin DIN adapter with the cable from the BG.
    (You can use a 5 pin, if you screw out the two extra pins in the BG cable/plug….in that case be sure to keep those safe for future use of the BG).



    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
    GOLD Member

    Sorry Steve.

    Pindsen seems to live in Denmark…..and can not buy from you – unless this has changed recently.


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark

    Hi MM and Pindsen,

    I hope to be able to ship to Europe again in September, so not long to wait.  Thanks for your patience.

    Kind regards, Steve.

    Location: The cable workshop, England
    Favourite Product: Beosystem 72-23
    Signature: Cables, friendly advice and great ideas for connecting Bang & Olufsen! Ask any questions at https://soundsheavenly.com to get the best from your B&O! Please visit my B&O YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/soundsheavenlycables
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