Home Forums BeoWorld around the world! Nordic Besound 5 ist not working

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  • #60248
    Peter Lofstad
    BRONZE Member

    I can hear the Masterunit working but there is absolutely no action on the display on the screen.

    Last time with the same issue a local dealer invoiced me 200,00 Euro for a software update.

    If this is the issue again I would like to make this software update by myself and save the 200,00 Euro.

    Therefore I need your help how to do this update on the master unit.

    I would greatly appreciate any help in solving this task.

    Best regards

    Peter from Denmark



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    GOLD Member

    I seriously doubt that the lack of display of the BS5 unit is due to the need of a software update.

    BRONZE Member

    I concur.  Following a restart, something —anything— should be displayed on BS5.  If it doesn’t, the next step is to connect a monitor, mouse and keyboard to the BM5 and see if anything shows up.  If it does, the problem may lie with the BS5.

    If nothing shows up on the monitor… it is not a good augur.

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