Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVision Beovision Avant 75 NG only Green dot light

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  • #53832
    BRONZE Member

      Hello dear B&Oworld members.
      I’ve one Avant 75″ NG, Type 8875, SN 27313906. The TV have 7 years and allways work without major problems.
      Last week screen remains black and only have the  top small light green.
      I try the regular procedures, Power ON/FF cable, and allways same. Only have green light. Soundbar don’t go out, and not response to remote control.
      Tv was disconnect several days from power cable just to check if something happend, but today i turn on cable and same situation.
      I disconnect all cables, just plug power cable and same situation.
      I’ve try search in this forum but didnt find anything.
      Any one can help me? Can be firmware problem and i can reset from USB pen for exemple?
      Thanks for all assistance.
      Daniel RS

      Gene Ku
      BRONZE Member


        Did you ever get this fixed?



        GOLD Member

          This sounds like a video engine issue.

          It will need to be replaced.

          Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
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          Gene Ku
          BRONZE Member

            What if the red LED just blinks slowly?

            1. Screen never turns on.

            2. Speaker never descends.

            3. Doesn’t connect to the B&O App nor the router.

            4. No option to enter the PIN.

            I have tried other IR remotes with no luck–no response. The BeoRemote One which was paired with the Avant NG seems to be working, but I can’t confirm, but no reaction to it.

            Any ideas?


            GOLD Member

              What if the red LED just blinks slowly?

              Generally this is in indication that the pin number needs to be entered, as you have no image on the screen obviously you are unable to enter the pin number.

              I would suspect that the video engine is at fault.


              Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
              Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
              Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
              Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
              My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
              BRONZE Member

                if green light lit and tv not turn on, it can be videoengine fault or if lucky cable between VE and BT module

                BRONZE Member

                  Have you tried connecting via the app? My Avant NG will sometimes “freeze” with the green light and do nothing. I go into the app and put everything into standby, and that usually triggers it to turn off, then it works ok. It’s not often, but the app seems to trigger a reset of the TV.

                  Gene Ku
                  BRONZE Member

                    Thanks Beotex,

                    No, it doesn’t connect to the app nor the router (via ethernet).

                    I’ve tried something new:  Changing the Video Option using IR, but no response.

                    Any other ideas?



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