Home Forums BeoWorld around the world! Nordic Beosystem 2500 cassette problem.

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  • #45852
    BRONZE Member

    Hi all,

    I am currently on vacation, trying to repair my Beosystem 2500 cassette drive, which has a melted belt. No problem on that as I have a new spare with me.

    Problem 1 is if the right hand side pressure roller should flap around. There are two springs on the lift side roller, but only 1 on the right side roller.

    Is that correct? And will it be spring loaded once running in a specific direction?

    Question two, pleas esee pics. I have a loose tape head spring. I know how is should turn and what is up and down. But I cannot fixate it. Should the two small arrowed indentations fit under the two placj plastic tabs? and the very small bent tap on the spring, slide into a spring opening on the drive? See pics.

    Kind regards,



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