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Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beosound Core with Beolab 5 – streaming capability

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  • #41395
    GOLD Member

    Please note the ‘workaround’ that Steve mentions here:


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
    BRONZE Member

    Dear all,

    Would anyone of you already experienced connecting a BS Core direclty to a BL 5? I was told sound quality could be reduced compared (distortion if I understood right) to standard B&O CD player, and that it would be better to plug BS Core the BS CD player Aux. Did you already experienced such issues?

    Would you have in mind an alternative to BS Core that could stream music directly to the BL 5 with capability to control volume, and turn On/Off the speakers?

    By the way, BS Core are on sales for a pretty long time now, and even currently out of stock on the B&O website, did you hear about a new hub solution planned in a near future?

    Thank you for your feedback,




    GOLD Member

    This is the official B&O suggestion:


    As for ‘new hub’, there is nothing official yet.
    However, rumour says there will be a Mozart platform based version of the BS Core at some point.


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
    FOUNDER Member

    I would imagine that a Core plugged in to a BL5 (TOS/Coax + PL) would not have any problems. How it sounds….well that is for you to decide by testing at home or with your Dealer. The trick with the BL5 is to always use a digital signal in for music over Powerlink.

    I have seen the core as out-of-stock and Im trying to find the source but believe the Core may be getting a WISA/Mozart update soon with a new chipset. (??)

    GOLD Member

    The probably coming version was discussed in the Beotalk 239 on sunday:

    Scroll to 1.42


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
    BRONZE Member

    Thank you all for your knowledgeable feedback. This is great to see interest on that topic.

    An upgrade to Wisa would be great. As you guys mentioned, the best is to test. I will ask my local seller if he would have one I could try at home.

    I was not familiar with Mozart and I found a good article if any would like to read :

    GOLD Member


    In order to use WiSA with a speaker, that is not WiSA compatiple per default, you would have to use a Beolab Receiver 1.
    These however, do not work with the BL5’s.


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
    BRONZE Member

    Good to know the receivers are not compatible with BL5, thanks for the note.

    FOUNDER Member

    These however, do not work with the BL5’s.

    INKT. ?  Learnt something new there.

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