Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound Beosound Century – Tape issue, looking for advice!

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  • #61182
    BRONZE Member

      Hello everyone.

      I was having issues with the tape mechanism in my beosound century 2000, essentially the right spindle is not spinning when the tape is playing, causing tape to bunch up.
      I thought perhaps the part was busted, so I purchased a used part from a working model. When I installed it, I was saddened to see that the same issue is happening. At first it will play the cassette and not advance the tape. Then I will stop it, rewind or fast forward, and try to play again. Then it will engage, play for one second, disengage, flip the head, and try to play again, before disengaging once again.

      This is very similar to the issue I had on the previous one, so now I’m wondering what the issue could be.

      Does anyone have any suggestions on what I might look into next? I would really love to get this back up and playing tapes…

      Thank you in advance!

      GOLD Member

        There’s a gear in the centre section of the mechanism that crumbles with age and fails – this is usually what causes this.

        Search “Beosound Century gear” on eBay for a selection of newly-made reproductions that will fix the issue.

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