Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound Beosound 9000 – stop playing CD after 30 secs or so

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  • #52276
    BRONZE Member

      Hi All,
      I have a Beosound 9000 Mk1 that is pretty much fully ‘functional’ but when I play CDs it starts playing as normal but after 30 secs to a minute it stops playing, the CD and everything continues splining as normal but the sound stops coming from both speakers. When I play music from the Aux channel e.g. through Sonos Connect it works as normal.

      It a bizzare issue, any idea of what is the issue? Have any of you encountered this issue before? Thanks in advance.

      BRONZE Member

        See attached video

        BRONZE Member

          My 9000 is nearly 25 years-old and is on its third CD carriage / laser reader. Having said that, it was in use almost constantly until I bought a Beosound Moment about 9 years ago. I still use the 9000 though and encounter the same issue as you from time to time. With me, it goes to ‘pause’ mode, as if it sees an error on a CD. Usually this is fixed simply by removing the CD and blowing on it to remove any dust or by wiping it with a soft cloth. If it happens with every CD, it’s possible that the laser reader on your 9000 needs a clean. I think you can buy CDs with a small brush on them that can clean the laser. Sometimes, the laser might also need to be realigned, in which case, you need to take it to a B&O dealer. Good luck!

          Location: Switzerland
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