Home Forums BeoWorld around the world! North America Beosound 9000 MK2 problem

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  • #35575
    BRONZE Member

    Just bought it from the first owner but untested from the wall . Sometimes it works okay but mostly not . The problem comes with the Lid not lifting the glass good enough and the cd player reaction is also bad . Been measuring the voltage on the tray motor (glass ) and the voltage is around 8 volts so lower as needed I think . I think because off sometimes proper working (tray and cd player) that maybe the power supply acts up . So any idea about the power supply and mostly the problems from it ?  Thanks

    GOLD Member


    Don’t know exactly what voltage shoud be on the motor, but most times the rubber belt of the geardrive is worn.

    try to HELP the glassplate by hand (DO NOT FORCE just help) and look what’s happening.

    How is the unit mounted? Horizontal wallmount?

    Let us know…

    BRONZE Member

    The lid sometimes works but then the voltage is around 9 volts on the motor (slow working was below 7 volts measured. But I have just been re soldering the Motor Control unit at the parts on the cooling plate mounted . And slow working because without anything further mounted . But in slow time it’s plays the cd  and is doing his moves from one cd to the other . So maybe it’s solved now for the time being ?  And maybe a problem that is happening more on these older equipment nowadays ? 2022_06_20_10_14_IMG_5007 (Middel)2022_06_20_10_10_IMG_5006 (Middel)2022_06_20_10_14_IMG_5008 (Middel)

    BRONZE Member

    My are getting totally crazy about Beosound 9000 and played perfectly all afternoon and after putting it standby so the same non function cd and lid again . So must be somewhere else but I.am done with this kind off equipment from B and O . So for sale at EBay soon and never again a Beosound 9000

    BRONZE Member

    That is the reason i never wanteda bs9000. Not so durable as the Beosystem 9500 ( okay tape and one cd) but build like a tank and the laser is extremely durable (Philips CDM2, same as beogram cd5500) still plays after 32y without any reparation ( just replaced some belts from the sliding doors and tape)

    BRONZE Member

    I share your opinion and totally cured about this 6 cd wonder . So not for me

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