Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound BeoSound 5 screen won’t start up

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  • #51801
    BRONZE Member

    I have 2 x BeoSound 5 and 2 x BeoMaster 5. I have tried connecting them both via a power link cable (see attachments). Nothing else is connected. On both of the BeoSound 5s the red standby lights are illuminated but the screen will not turn on when I spin the wheel, press “GO” or push the standby button. Is there something else which needs to be connected before the screen on the BeoSound 5s can be activated?

    GOLD Member

    I’d suggest firstly downloading the manual for the Beomaster 5 and beosound 5. What you are plugging in is just the screen (beosound5) power cable, you need also the DVI to HDMI cable and USB cables plugged from the Beomaster 5 to beosound 5 – so 3 cables.

    really, check the manuals, then if there is still a problem, come back here and get some advices.

    BRONZE Member


    Thank you for your message and input. I appreciate that. I have the original manual(s) and read through them both. I just didn’t see anywhere specifically where it said all three cables must be connected before the screen is activated but it (definitely) makes sense. Had I come to this conclusion via B&O manuals I would have never “wasted” your time… really.

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