Home Forums BeoWorld around the world! Nordic Beosound 4 to Beolink passive

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  • #58586
    Øivind Friksen
    BRONZE Member


      I tried to connect it via fully wired powerlink cable, but still red light on Beolink Passive. Any idea whats wrong?


      Best regards

      GOLD Member

        As far as I can see in the servicemanual for the BS4 it should have the nessecary signals to wake up the BL Passive, although I can’t verify it to be fully implemented.

        Maybe try with another cable if you have one. I know I have what should be a fully wire PL cable, but it is missing the connection on pin 1 that is used to wake the BL Passive.

        If you have a 7 pin Aux cable that can also be used for testing it

        Location: Denmark
        Øivind Friksen
        BRONZE Member

          i am waiting a masterlink cable and will try. Do i need  the IR-eye or will everything be controlled with beosound 4?

          GOLD Member

            i am waiting a masterlink cable and will try. Do i need the IR-eye or will everything be controlled with beosound 4?

            The Beolink Passive will work as an amplifier for passive speakers if connected through powerlink

            If conncted with Masterlink it will work as a link room and therefore the IR eye is needed in that case. You can do it that way, and disable the IR eye in the BS4 so you don’t get double controls. I am not sure if all controls will work through the Beolink Passive, for example it has been mentioned in other threads that acces to AUX requires a Beolink Passive to be at a certain software level.


            Location: Denmark
            Øivind Friksen
            BRONZE Member

              Fixed 🙂

              Øivind Friksen
              BRONZE Member


                GOLD Member

                  the passive is green when conecting power, then red. i did tried with fully wire powerlink from beosound4,beocenter9300and beosound core. it just dont start. is there a fuse inside thats easy to access?

                  There are a couple of fuses inside it according to the diagrams in the servicemanual. Wheether or not they are easy to acces I don’t know.

                  I would still suggest trying another cable just to be sure that the fault is not there.

                  i totally agree with you masterlink/IR-eye as one input and powelink as second input.

                  I am not quite sure what you mean by second input? It is only possible to use one input at a time, either masterlink or powerlink.

                  Location: Denmark
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