Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound Beosound 4 Software Update?

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  • #58936
    GOLD Member

      Does anyone know how I can get the software updated on my Beosound 4?  I know it is supposed to be done by the dealer, but if I took a Beosound 4 to today’s B&O dealers, they’d probably not even recognise it!

      Reason I ask – I bought an ML Gateway a little while ago as part of a few things bought as a kit.  I was going to sell it as I thought I had no use for it, but then learned (from a helpful reply to this thread) that it might be of use to me after all – I could set up virtual buttons that I can use from a browser, and set up macros I can trigger with my Beo4 – sounds nice!

      Problem is however – the software on my Beosound 4 is the earlier version that cannot talk to the ML Gateway.  I’d need to somehow update the software to use it.

      I also tried on my Beovision 8 by the way, but the instructions for enabling an ML Gateway connection on that are also not working – instructions found on the MLGW site say to enter the Customer Service menu you should go into the menu, and then while Connections is highlighted, hit Red+Go to enter that menu.  I’ve tried that but nothing happens when I press Red+Go.  My BV8 software is up to date.

      Location: Liverpool
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