Home Forums BeoWorld around the world! Dutch Beosound 2 portable mp3

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  • #35648
    BRONZE Member

      Heeft er iemand nog een beosound 2 portable in zijn schuif liggen?

      Dan ben ik mogelijks geïnteresseerd om van eigenaar te wisselen en er goed zorg voor te dragen 🙂


      Alvast bedankt voor jullie reacties.


        Sorry for my reply in english…

        Out of curiosity, may I ask “why”?

        Of course it’s a beautiful object, I got one just after a member posted a picture of the flying saucer comfortably charging on its stand with this magic ring of light underneath.

        But honestly, once you have play a little bit with it, I’m sorry to say its sort of useless.
        Anything will do better, SD cards are moody, files handling all the same even more if you are on Mac, If you have the chance of getting the iTunes plug-in, it dont work anymore on recent iTunes version, battery life is non-existant and about the beauty of the thing, anything but the wind will scratch it. What did you say? “Sound quality”? just check the specs read formats.

        Unless it’s for display or very (very) cheap, I’d like to know why?

        – Still I keep mine 😉 –

        Location: Paris France
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