Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoPlay Beoplay Converter nl/ml for sale

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  • #53848
    BRONZE Member

    Hey! I’ve got this converter for sale. Its in excellent condition. I am missing the power adapter unfortunately.

    BRONZE Member

    sw version?

    BRONZE Member

    Im sorry what does Sw version mean?

    BRONZE Member

    It means: which software version is installed on the device?

    GOLD Member

    Hey! I’ve got this converter for sale. Its in excellent condition. I am missing the power adapter unfortunately.

    Hi Beoboyo55, FYI, these BLCs work with a normal 230V power cable, no adapter/transformer needed. Regards, Johan

    Location: Netherlands
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available
    BRONZE Member

    Oh great thanks for the tip. Does anyone know blow much this is worth second hand?

    BRONZE Member

    I would suggest a price between 1-200 euros. Depending on which country in Europe you are in – if in Denmark, I would think that the price it can achieve is on the high end – as the prevalence and demand for B&O equipment is relatively high in DK.

    NB. there may well be a need for a B&O technician to upgrade or adapt the ML/NL depending on how it is to be included in a setup

    Location: Danmark/Flensborg
    SILVER Member

    I sell my NL/ML Converter, Serial Nr 23815174, Item Nr.1179011, HW Version F. I used it with a Beosound Ouverture together with  Beovision 11. Works perfectly, fixed with a Stbbracket on the Beovion. Woul like to get around the 165 Eur for the device

    Regards Reinhard (rpaul)

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