Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoMaster BeoMaster 5000 Distorted sound

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  • #63669
    kye Jones
    BRONZE Member

    Hi, sorry I am new to b&o, so apologies if this is basic.


    I purchased a b&o BeoMaster 5000 Amp on ebay, as the seller claimed it was working. Unfortunately the system is not in working order, it turns on fine, but the output of audio is distorted and has too much bass. I’ve since gotten a refund through ebay but I don’t want to throw away such a beautiful part of history. Could anyone help me identify the issue, or the cheapest place to get it fixed.


    I have phoned around locally and an estimate I got was a minimum 600 and that isn’t with a guarantee of fixing it.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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