Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoMaster Beomaster 1700/1600, Tractor belts needed!

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    BRONZE Member


      I,m restoring a Beomaster 1700 (1980) with “Tractor belts” as user inputs. I have one belt left, but in poor condition. Best would be if there where a pair of new or in better condition at least.


      / Tomas

      SILVER Member

        Hello Tomas,

        It is probably not likely you are going to find easily find original B & O replacement belts in good condition for the 1700/1600 receiver. After a long time of searching I did find a source for making my own replacement belts. The belt is not the exact width and needs to be trimmed down and spliced to make it a loop. But if done carefully looks better than the original and is much more durable. I would rather have the originals but that is an unlikely option.

        There are different places on the internet you can find them. If you do a search for “Industrial Drive Timing Belts HTD 3M Pitch Timing Belt Width 30mm Open-Ended Transmission Synchronous Belts” you will find several sources, it is branded 3M but made most likely in China. It is available in different lengths and I would get more than you think you need. You will have to cut the 30mm to around 27-28mm width and cut the length based on an old 1600 belt. Getting a clean cut between the belt ribs for a good splice is the tricky part. That is why I would get more than I need. If done cleanly and straight you then use Gorilla Super Glue Gel and clamp it for 24 hours. I have done two belts and the seam is invisible. You can use WD-40 and a cotton swab to remove small amounts of the visible glue.


        BRONZE Member

          @jfrancis49: that sounds like a neat solution. Have you got any photos of the end result?

          I was thinking that one option might be 3D-printing with TPU. I am not sure how well it would survive in long term, but that would eliminate the splicing.

          Location: Helsinki - Finland
          My B&O Icons: Beo4 BeomasterBeogram-400x
          SILVER Member

            Here are images of the belts I made. The idea of 3D printing belts sounds like an interesting one. I don’t have that skill at this point or the equipment. Maybe someone else might take on that challenge.




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