Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoMaster Beomaster 1000 – white key version with Danish tuning dial

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  • #57638
    BRONZE Member

    I’ve just bought an “interesting” Beomaster 1000 off evilBay with white keys but also has Danish radio station names marked on the tuning window rather than just the usual two lines of channel no.s and MHz.  Was cheap and could make a nice little resto project.

    I’m trying to work out what model version type it is (its not arrived yet) but it has no serial label on the back, they usually include a type number, which seems par for the course for the white key versions so there’s nothing on outside to say what it is as you get for later ones.  I have an original B&O Beomaster 1000 service manual which is specifically for Types 2313 & 2314 in which the schematics show the germanium transistors that I’d expect for earlier ones, though the cover image shows black keys… which is curious as I thought the black key ones were the later redesigned ones with Silicon transistors ??  I’ve also got a loose original schematic sheet that is labelled “Type 2312, 2313 and 2314” and seems to match the one in the service manual, but I’ve another original schematic sheet (with its matching PCB layout sheet) though neither of these two have a type number on them though again its showing the germanium transistors.  Searching on the web I’ve managed to track down a high quality scan of another schematic & pcb sheet and that one is marked “Type 2301/5 – 2302/5  2303/5 – 2305/1”.   So quite a few type variants, any ideas where I can find something inside the receiver that will indicate the type without picking through it component by component to spot type ?  Also a source for the metal missing knob end and the missing graphic for the on/off key… I live in hope 🙂  If the receiver has schematics in the lid, like various other ones I’ve had have had that would be the obvious answer of course but last one I got the little brown envelope was empty 🙁

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    BRONZE Member

    Stroke of luck.  The original serial number label with type number was wedged under the edge of the schematics envelope.

    So its a Type 2301

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