Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLink Beolink 5000 keeps reverting to one way mode.

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      Hi everyone,

      I use a Beolink 5000 in one way mode to control things in my office.

      Unfortunatly the remote seems to regularly return to two way mode making it complicated to use.

      At first I thought it was a problem with battery contact: loose batteries cut power tus reverting it to initial state (two way).
      I secured battery contacts si I think I can rule out this cause.

      Do any of you experience this or have any idea?


      Location: Paris France
      FOUNDER Member


        Mine has the same problem from the beginning, with a 2 way Beovision and a 1 way Beocenter.

        I also explored the “batteries way” with no success. I think it’s software-related.

        The TV is gone, but the probem remains and I never found any way to solve it, unfortunately.

        So if someone can help, it would be greatly appreciated.




        Location: Brittany, France
        My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 BeovoxBeosound-TheatreBeoremote-OneBeoplay-P2Beoplay-H95Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeosound-1 Beolab-50 Beolab-18Beogram-400x Beocenter-2
        GOLD Member

          I’ve seen that when using normal non-rechargeable batteries on the Beolink 5000s that I’ve renovated. The minus pad is often to small and create bad contact in the battery bay, especially the midle one. . Problem was solved by using rechargeable batteries (Ikea LADDA) where the minus pad is bigger.


          Hope this can help.



          Location: Hvidovre, Denmark

            Thank you Steffen,

            I use Ladda batteries: I like to keep it all “nothern”!

            And I’ve add aluminium foil pads to secure the contacts.

            Location: Paris France

              I’d like to add tha I’ve some Beo 4 that exeperience similar issue: not reverting to one way of course, but stopping to work after some time. Dont know if it could be related.

              Location: Paris France

                Maybe a hint,

                Because of my setup (two Beosound Daisy-chained) and mu usage (once one, once the second, once both…) I need to fiddle with the “LINK” prefix key.
                Sometimes when I need to shut all down I make a long press on the “Stand-by” key that turn all off.

                I wonder if this do not make the remote revert to two way mode., because to change the mode, process say you must turn off the remote with a long press on “STBY”.) barely similar to taking the batteries out and in the remote.

                Location: Paris France
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