Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab BeoLab 8000: problem with crackling noise

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  • #48262
    SILVER Member

    Situation / problem
    I have a BeoLab 8000 (ser. 1171 xxxx) that sometimes produces a crackling noise. At that moment the music is pushed away, and sometimes the noise goes and the speaker is just silent for a short moment (a second or so). After that, it just plays music again.
    The other speaker in this pair of 8000’s does not have this issue.
    Both speakers have functioned without any problem until recently.

    I hope someone recognizes this ‘behavior’.
    (a) What could be wrong?
    (b) Where should I check?

    Location: The Netherlands
    BRONZE Member

    Sounds like a crack of a copperline of the board (foam rot?) or defect cap in the power supply or soundpath.

    SILVER Member

    Danke @Die_Bogener!

    Concerning foamrot, it’s no foam. I made a typo with the serial. This 8000 has serial 1711 xxxx. So a MKII, built with the new white foam.

    I will check for copperline cracks and defect caps.

    Any other ideas are welcome.

    Location: The Netherlands
    SILVER Member

    By making a check on the PCB with a loupe, I found two cracks.
    After re-establishing the connection, the speaker works fine again.


    Location: The Netherlands
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