Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beolab 8000 problem

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  • #52094
    BRONZE Member

      Yesterday I used my silver BL8000 (sn21***) so I didn’t use strange foam etc. Connected to my BeoCenter 9500. After listening I put the system on standby, so all LEDs are red. When I passed by an hour later I saw that the LED on the one  BL8000 was green with orange. So I turned off the power, changed speakers (could be the PL cable) But same effect. Then played music and switched between mute and not, and heard the relay click. Luckily he went back to red. On line in, the LED also remains green. De speakers play without any issues. This morning the speakers were powered up (power link position) without cables, so they should be red. But one speaker is simply green (without you seeing the orange LED light up) So they are one of the very last 8000 (before the 8002.) Can anyone help? The amplifiers do not act strangely, one speaker immediately turns green, so the amplifier comes on immediately and does not go off. The aluminum front and back do not get warmer/colder than the others.

      GOLD Member

        Did you connect everything with power off?
        Then power on only after all speaker connections are complete?

        Location: Kent, UK
        BRONZE Member

          I have 3 pairs, and i upgraded a mk1 version to mk2 so i know alot of them. If you power them up , on powerlink L or R, the red lightust come up, not the green one…

          BRONZE Member

            I tested the speaker in question and noticed something, when I put the speaker on line input, the relay clicks and the amplifier switches off briefly but switches back on immediately. If I then switch to L or R power link (with the power on), I hear the speaker go out after a while, but the LED remains green. If I turn the speaker off and back on, I hear nothing so the amplifier remains off. If I connect it with PowerLink, it just plays and goes out, but the LED always remains green… Anyone have any idea what it could be?

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