Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beolab 8 – getting to know!

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  • #64602
    BRONZE Member

      Hello folks, I recently aqcuired Beolab 8’s. I thought I write a little few-part review of them, as I am just now putting them together.

      The background is such that I was about two years ago in awe when B&O released these speakers, but as many might guess, the price of them just keeps you on toes and I accepted the fact that I just wait until there are some second hand ones. Well, sometimes there is magic things happening, and last week I noticed online that a nearby B&O dealer is selling a pair of these beauties as demo dealer pair (full warranty, original packages et.) and the price was cut -40%. I did not consider long.. and here they are! ๐Ÿ’•

      I let you know later how these lovely capsules start to play! So, more insight coming up!

      BEOLAB 8 IMG_5376

      BEOLAB 8 IMG_5377

      –I listen to music with

      Beolab 8’s

      Beolab 9’s

      Beolab 19

      Beoplay M5 Bronze & Beoplay M5 David Lynch ed.

      Beosound 1 & Beosound 2

      Beosound Emerge

      Beoplay H100 —

      GOLD Member

        Hello Tavast, that sounds like a good deal! I like the word ‘capsules’ :-), they must feel full of power even only lifting them.

        Looking forward to seeing more, Johan

        • This reply was modified 1 day, 5 hours ago by Tignum.
        Location: Netherlands
        My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-10Beosound-5Beoremote-OneBeoplay-A1
        Ravi Shah
        BRONZE Member

          How do the 8s compare to the 18s?

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