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    Chris T
    BRONZE Member

    Hello all

    i recently listened to the Beolab 8 and I was very impressed. To be honest I’d actually written them off due to their diminutive size, having previously owned Beolab 9&5s. One review mentioned that adding a sub would be almost essential, which was contradicted by me listeto them in a fairly big room. Does anyone have them and notice any low end?

    in London I listened to the new headphones which I thought were very nice, especially the sound controls on the side. The Eleven earphones has apparently had a software upgrade improving the ANR, so if you’ve got a pair it might be worth checking for updates.

    Regards Chris

    BRONZE Member

    Bass to me is clean, punchy and it’s enough. Yes, in comparison to my 28’s, Theatre or Balance they’re less bass heavy. But I tuned down the low end on all of those… Considering the size of the speaker and woofer, I’m still impressed what they can produce.

    If you were impressed as well and enjoy their sound signature, why would you care what a reviewer writes? Just enjoy them.


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    Chris T
    BRONZE Member

    I was look8mg around at reviews because I’d only heard them in a showroom, and there are a few well respected authors I listen to the opinion of. I didn’t personally notice any lack of bass, and I fact that was one area I was very impressed with.

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