Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beolab 5 tweeter playing low volume

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  • #62373
    BRONZE Member

      Anyone experienced a BL5 playing low volume only on the tweeter?

      Lower bass, mid bass and midrange are OK, just the tweeter is playing low.

      I have checked the impedance and it is OK at 3.0 Ohm. Also checked the NTC temperature sensor and it is ok at 470kOhm 25oC.

      Any other ideas?

      SILVER Member

        Have you activated the automatic recalibrated system of your speakers so that the power amplifiers set themselves to the correct power value using the internal software circuit in relation to the speaker microphone. If the calibrated system detects troubles in the hardware it wil let you now with led colors so I read in the user manual.

        SILVER Member

          I read in the service manual that the tweeter impedance should be 6,6 ohm and not 3 ohm as you specify as good !

          BRONZE Member


            The document I found on the internet mentions on page 15 the impedance of 5.7 Ohm for the midrange and 3.0 Ohm for the tweeter. Furthermore, just to record here, 3.1 Ohm for the lower bass and 5.0 for the upper bass. NTC sensor 470k Ohm @ 25oC.

            Anyway, i just found out that the problem resides in my Beosystem 3.

            I changed the powerlink port and the problem was solved. I don’t understand why…

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