Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beolab 5 – connection, Core or Hub?

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  • #64704
    BRONZE Member

    Hey Guys,

    So just got myself a pair of used BL5s, looking at getting a Core or Hub.

    But advise needed.

    The core would be easy, as I would connect it to a Wiim Pro, and take optical into the Core and then optical out from the Core to Coax and then a RJ45 to powerlink (mrk2) into the BL5. So the Wiim would be the source and give me all the modern goodies of connectivity to smarthome etc.

    The Hub would also take input from the Wiim Pro, but it does not have a digital output, so I would need to take that from the Wiim, so optical to the Hub and directly coax to the BL5, with the hub providing RJ45 to Powerlink. So here the hub would only provide volume control and on/off.


    The Hub is a fraction of the Core in cost, and it seems as a simpler solution, but will it work? – I assume the wiim sends the same signal on optical and coax.



    Location: Denmark
    BRONZE Member

    Thinking out loud here – what if i make a RCA to DIN8 cable – and then make a 12v trigger to 5v trigger from the Wiim and include that in the DIN8 cable, then the wiim would provide volume and trigger + the coax out.

    Would that work?

    Location: Denmark
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