Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beolab 2500

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  • #51626
    BRONZE Member


      Found old Beolab 2500 speakers and they are in very good condition.

      except …….

      no light, no sound, no nothing…..

      Transformators seem to be ok but that’s about it.

      Any suggestions or similar experiences??


      Location: Finland
      BRONZE Member


        There should be a red standby led when you plug the unit in.

        The powerlink has a 5v trigger which comes from the Beocenters and tells the speaker to turn on at which point the led changes color to green. So for it to play you need to send an audio signal as well as the 5V trigger.


        But if you are getting absolutely nothing… start with the power supply.  Maybe a fuse?

        Is the cord plugged all the way in? The receptacle is in a very awkward location and its  not always easy to plug the cord in properly.



        BRONZE Member

          Yep, I’ve checked fuses etc. Power comes out from transformer but that’s it.

          Both speakers the same. Tried to connect those to other B&O devices also with same result.


          Location: Finland
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