Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beolab 20 turen on and start crackling

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  • #39259
    BRONZE Member

    I have a system with Beolab 20, Beosound Core and Transmitter.

    problem is that sometimes the speakers start crackling and maling explosions eventhough we’re not listening to anything. It seems to happen when using a Mobilephone i.e. Reading something on Safari.

    any idea What is causing this?

    Regards Bo

    BRONZE Member

    I have the same problem with my Transmitter 1 and BeoLab 18’s

    It’s super annoying as it typically happens in the night and wakes up the whole house.

    I have a suspicion that it may have to do with my Chromecast Audio, which is connected to Transmitter using Toslink

    If I disconnect the ChromeCast, the problem goes away.





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