Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beolab 14 Sub – IC identification needed !

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  • #59212
    Jonathan McCall
    BRONZE Member

      Hi all – it’s been a while since I’ve been on, I used to be a gold member, however, since I downgraded it wouldn’t let me log on, so I’ve had to create a new log in, hence this is my “1st” post.


      Anyway – I have a Beolab 14 sub which has blown a 7 pin IC on the power supply circuit. I know exactly where it is and can see it, however,  I’m unable to identify what the lettering is on it, as the top blew off. Funnily enough, before I discovered the fault I found a small piece of black plastic when dismantling the sub and threw it in the bin, thinking it was just a clip or something that had broken.

      Having been through 2 full bin bags (I kid you not) trying to locate it, I thought I’d turn to the worldly wise on the forum to see if some kind soul can help.

      The IC in question is the one at the tip of the pen in the picture. Maybe someone has a Beolab 14 sub on the bench with the innards out, or a used PSU lying around that they could investigate for me ?

      I’m currently contemplating going through the bin bags again, however, no-one should have to do that twice in their life. I shall spare you the details on the contents.

      Many thanks in advance – the sub is simple to take apart (some screws on the base), although I certainly wouldn’t want someone to open a working sub.

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      Jonathan McCall
      BRONZE Member
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