Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab BeoLab 14 – HELP

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    BRONZE Member

    Screen Shot 2022-06-22 at 5.01.44 PMI’m not totally helpless–^^this is the adapter I’m seeking information on. Name of it, part number, anything??

    BRONZE Member



    I just got a BeoLab 14 system and I’m a bit nervous as there seems to be no information or even discussion really about this system online.

    I’m trying to figure out what adapters I need to…use…this system and I’m at my wit’s end.

    I primarily use HDMI output-sources connected to a Sony STRDH790 receiver which I formerly had a simple phono out to my Pentas.

    I know I’m in a new world with an RJ45 PowerLink system like the BL14.


    The key problem seems to be the inputs adapter which was of course not included–googling finds nothing at all for this specific adapter.


    Can anyone offer any insight? Appreciate any help to this newbie 🙂




    GOLD Member

    A few comments…

    The BL14 system is an active (means that the ampflication is built in) loudspeaker set.

    It is meant to be used with an audio device that has pre-outs or the normal speaker outputs.

    That is what the adapter is meant for.
    You should be able to get this still – maybe on the used market (?).



    The RJ45-Powerlink connections are for connecting to a Beovision as the source (which is a tv with audio processing and pre-outs built in).



    My best advice would be to contact Steve@SoundsHeavenly for further advice.
    You can find a link at the bottom of this site (he is a sponsor of Beoworld).


    You can find more about the BL14 on the old forum – e.g. here:





    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
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