Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram TX preamp?

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    BRONZE Member

      Hello all!

      Got a bit of an issue I’m trying to figure out. I am aware that the TX does not have a pre amp built in. I recently purchase one and plugged it into my tube amp of which my previous record player was played from however the TX does not output sound on this setup. I hear it playing from the needle so we are good there. So I’m not sure of the problem. My previous has a preamp installed but I had it turned off cause it was too loud and it still worked find. Do I need a preamp still if it’s already hooked to amp? And If so, shouldn’t I still hear it playing just at a low volume?

      also will any preamp work? I was reading about preamps made specifically for the Beogram and wasn’t sure if that was a ploy or if it indeed does require a certain pre amp.


      thanks for your help on this!

      GOLD Member

        What “preamp” do you have exactly? And where are you connecting it on the tube amp? I’ve never had an issue with getting my Beogram 8000/8002 to work with various setups.

        I have the din cable from my Beogram to a din>RCA adaptor which goes into the input on the PHONO Preamplifier then RCA output to my amplifier. Are you sure that you are using a phono preamplifier? As that is not the same as a preamplifier. Sorry if I’m being obvious, I don’t know how deep you are into the Beogram/vinyl world!

        BRONZE Member

          Thanks for your reply! I know a bit but definitely new this this system. My beogram has a RCA plug style cable with black and grey male plugs and what I assume is a ground wire. I have no pre amp, only the tube amp. I know a pre amp is usually needed but for some reason my previous turntable with the built in pre amp off still plays fine plugged directly to my tube amp. Guess that’s not going to work here. So I take It I need a phono amp but do I need something to adapt these cables?

          GOLD Member

            I think your cables might be good then if they’re already RCA, I know the TX is newer than my models. I misunderstood your first post when you said you got one you meant TX not a preamp. But yes, you’ll need a phono preamp. There are many on the market. Project do them, Ortofon, I have a Creek OBH-15. There are more reasonable ones too on Amazon or such.

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