Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram Sliding Chassis Chatter

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  • #51953
    BRONZE Member

      I’ve been restoring a Beogram 5500. Most of the project has been pretty straightforward.

      However, I’ve been struggling with a nitpicky problem. When I hit stop, the sliding chassis should confidently return to the park position. My sliding chassis does not return to a fully parked (all the way to the right) and will shake or chatter a bit. What I’m trying to describe can be seen at the end of the attached video


      What I believe is happening is that the wires connected to the sliding chassis (blue) are applying a slight tension (to the left) that is keeping the sliding chassis from reaching the fully parked position. The chattering is coming from the gears on the underside of the sliding chassis drive pulley (yellow) not fully disengaging from the start/stop gear. The chattering will stop if I lightly push the sliding chassis to the right to help it fully park.

      I’ve tried adjusting the wires to reduce the tension in addition to the normal setup adjustments. I’ve been able to reduce the chatter, but not eliminate it.

      Has anyone else seen the issue before? Did you find an adjustment or fix?




      BRONZE Member

        Hi Glitch,

        Have you been able to fix the issue? I’m asking because I might run  into that issue whilst fixing mine. I have a question you might be able to answer about the wire/rope that moves the sliding chassis. From attached picture found on the internet (and also from your video) I can see a mounting point to attach the wire/rope

        My sliding chassis just has a hole there en nothing to mout the wire on. Is this a removable part that I’m missing or is it broken on my chassis?

        Hope you can help me out with that.

        Thanks in advance!




        GOLD Member

          Ralph, nothing seems to be missing in that area.


          BRONZE Member

            Hi Martin,

            I have attached a picture of mine now en I think it is broken compared with the pictures from the internet.

            I can’t find just this piece of plastic as a part only the whole arm assembly.

            Does any know where to find this part?


            BRONZE Member


              Yes, it definitely looks like you are missing the post where the spring and string connect to the sliding chassis. It initially looks like the post is molded as part of the sliding chassis frame, but on a closer look I’m not so sure. Here is a picture from the bottom of the sliding chassis.


              There appears to be a seam there. This is a strange design choice.

              I suspect that you will have a hard time finding just the post. You may have to buy the whole sliding chassis frame. Alternatively, you could make a new custom post that fits into the existing hole.  Maybe something like a piece of threaded rod that screws into the hole with part of the rod shaped to form a new post?

              I still have not fixed the chattering issue. I moved on to other projects hoping that someone already knew the solution and was willing to share.


              BRONZE Member

                Hi Glitch,

                Many thanks for sharing your knowledge on this.

                I also was under the impression the post was molded as part of the sliding chassis but I’ve seen other pics from sellers of the whole chassis where it was missing too.
                So your answer learns me it is indeed a separate part which will most likely be missing on most others you can buy.

                So yeah, I will try and make a new custom post that fits into the existing hole.



                BRONZE Member

                  My best guess is that it that the post is glued on, breaks off easily, and gets lost. I wonder if B&O originally designed something that fit into the hole but changed their minds?

                  Please post pictures of whatever you make to fix the problem.


                  BRONZE Member

                    Yeah I think you are right, indeed bad design. I wonder how many of these end up broken. (Nothing about it on this forum)

                    I ordered some plastics from a Chinese webshop which I think will fit and try to glue that on.

                    I’ll post pictures of it when fixed.

                    Thanks again.


                    BRONZE Member

                      Hi Glitch,

                      I’ve managed to fix it with a plastic pole glued in the hole!



                      BRONZE Member

                        Hi Glitch,

                        I’ve managed to fix it with a plastic pole glued in the hole!



                        BRONZE Member


                          Looks good and like it was meant to be there.

                          BTW, I saw in another thread the suggestion to use a small bolt and nut to create an attachment point. This would be an easier way to do the same thing.

                          Is there enough adjustment to be able to set the “needle down” position correctly?

                          Does your sliding chassis park without any chatter?



                          BRONZE Member

                            Hi Glitch,

                            Indeed the “set-down” position is a little off and need some adjustment. I read this is done by adjusting the eccentric disc near the mounting points for the rope and spring. I didn’t know this was adjustable and assumed it was just a guiding roller so didn’t pay attention to it before.

                            So I will have some more work on it and hope it can be adjusted by just lifting the back cover.

                            The sliding chassis parks without chatter but is also a little off to the left I assume that also has to do with the “set-down”adjustment.



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