Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram RX-2 Problem with Play Button


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  • #59145
    Saint Beogrowler
    BRONZE Member

      Here’s a puzzle.
      I have encountered this problem twice, once in a Beogram 1800 and once in a Beogram RX-2.

      When the PLAY button is engaged on the front of the machine it acts like the CUE button has been engaged. Tonearm moves to the edge of the album, the platter spins appropriately but the arm stays up. When CUE is engaged, the arm drops and it plays the album.
      If PLAY is engaged and then disengaged 1 or 2 times consecutively it will start appropriately. That is; platter starts, arm moves to the beginning of the album and lowers.

      Where do I start? From my review of the schematics, this doesn’t seem like a likely fault. Much less experience it in 2 separate machines.

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      Saint Beogrowler
      BRONZE Member

        New belt from Beoparts (now: Danish Sound Parts) was the fix for both the RX-2 and 1800.

        M J Vink
        SILVER Member

          always start with removing the 3 switches, the clickclack one’s, they cause a lot of trouble. Clean them in ultrasonic bath. Replace all elco’s. Then most troubles will be gone.

          GOLD Member

            As above, dismantle the switch and clean both the PCB contact and the underside of the tactile dome as they can give problems.

            I had a Beogram 5000 come my way a few years back where so much dust and muck had got under the switch dome, when you pressed Play, the deck would start but then immediately stop again, then re-start itself and keep doing this over and over again until I pulled the plug!

            M J Vink
            SILVER Member

              also the inside cylinders of the coils that activate the slides on the commando wheels must be cleaned from dust, take them out and blow them clean.

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