Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram CD Player Recommendations

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  • #64527
    SILVER Member

    Hello All,

    Looking for some advice. I still play CDs and would like a CD player to go along with my other B & O gear. What Beogram CD player is best regarding finding parts if it isn’t working, or is a reasonably reliable one to look for? Or has the time passed to think about a Beogram as a good option and just find something new out there?



    GOLD Member

    Hi, nice to hear you’re wanting to add to your B&O collection.
    danishsoundparts dot com has a comprehensive catalogue of parts to help repair/service/maintain all types of BeogramCD.

    There is a well-recited mantra that the 90’s cd players from B&O sound quite clean and clinical. While the older players have a warmer and fuller sound. But it’s up to you really.

    Personally I love the 6500 and 4500 BeogramCD machines.
    They look so cool.

    CD-X is an interesting model.
    And there’s always Beosound 9000 if you really want a piece of visual theatre in your home 😎

    Location: Kent, UK
    GOLD Member

    Hi jfrancis49

    Would be helpfull to know which B&O device you want to connect the Beogram CD to – this way we can give a more specific advice.


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
    SILVER Member

    Hello Pepps and Millemis,

    Thank you for your replies. Pepps, I will take those recommendation to heart. And I have been helped by Martin’s kits many times over the years. Currently I am using his BM 2400 kit to hopefully restore a receiver to use a CD player with, to answer Millemis’ question. I also just got a BM 6000 donated type 22XXx to me I will try to restore. Thank you both!


    GOLD Member

    In that case I’d go for a CD-X.


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
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