Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram CD 7000 tray belt

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  • #45949
    GOLD Member

      Hello everyone. So after I had so much trouble with the Beocenter 9500 (I still have it and will fully restore that eventually), I found a Beomaster 7000 and Beogram CD 7000. I’ve always thought these were pretty cool systems, and some of the last of that style from B&O, so I picked it up.

      The Beomaster works great, no issues or complaints. Condition is very good as well. Only a few light scratches and some very minor fading of the black paint on the top where the amplifier must have gotten warm enough to discolor it at some point.

      The Beogram CD has been a little hit and miss for me so far. Condition wise, it looks excellent. Both of these items have been well taken care of. The first time I hooked it all up, it played a CD for me perfectly with no issues. Then when my Mom came over to listen to it, I put in a CD, and it would just skip like mad. The audio was un-listenable.

      I’ve noticed that the CD tray would not fully close under it’s own power, so I do suspect a weak belt. However, I doubt that is the only issue. After that CD failed to play, I found that if I put my finger under the bottom of the CD tray and lift up on it very gently, it would play just fine. So maybe it needs some leveling adjustments?


      Anyway, thanks all for sharing in this journey with me!

      Location: Minnesota, USA
      Favorite Product: Beocenter 9500
      My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beoplay-H95Beomaster
      GOLD Member

        When I had it opened up, I also cleaned off the old lithium grease, and replaced with some new grease.

        Beogram CD 7000 CD tray 004

        Beogram CD 7000 CD tray 005


        Location: Minnesota, USA
        Favorite Product: Beocenter 9500
        My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beoplay-H95Beomaster
        GOLD Member


          Have you considered rubber shock absorbers? Those are available here : https://www.beoparts-shop.com/product/disc-drive-suspension-rubber-repair-kit-for-beogram-cd5500-cd6500-cd7000.

          Location: Burgundy
          GOLD Member

            The new CD tray belt came in, and I replaced it. However, now it just will not play any CD’s that I toss in it.

            I’m starting to think that the rubber shock absorbers that Chartz mentioned will be needed to complete this job. Luckily for me, another forum member was placing an order, and added a set of them so that I didn’t have to make yet another order.

            Here’s a short video of how it’s operating now.


            Location: Minnesota, USA
            Favorite Product: Beocenter 9500
            My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beoplay-H95Beomaster
            GOLD Member

              Have you recapped the servo PCB?

              Location: Burgundy
              GOLD Member

                I have not. I do have at least one kit from Beoparts on hand, but I suck at soldering. The kit was going to be for my Beocenter 9500.

                Location: Minnesota, USA
                Favorite Product: Beocenter 9500
                My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beoplay-H95Beomaster
                BRONZE Member

                  C2103 is the one all important capacitor to change. Search on the forum and you will get a lot of hits. There could be others but I would start with this one. Since I changed it in my Beogram 7000 CD player, it plays absolutely everything. Before the change, it was very picky about which CDs it would play.

                  Location: Copenhagen
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