Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram 3000 Type 95xx (Tangential ) – remove aluminum plate from cover

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  • #48642
    BRONZE Member

      Hello all,

      I can’t find anything from anyone else who did this.

      I want to remove the scratched aluminum cover plate from the lid of my Beogram 3000 Type 95XX (tangential). I have a replacement for it but have no idea how to get the scratched plate off without possibly damaging the cover it is attached to.

      Well, I have 2 thoughts but not sure if either are appropriate:

      1. Heat gun to loosen the adhesive on the scratched plate?
      2. Pry the scratched plate off (slowly and carefully)?

      Once it is off, what is the best way to remove any existing adhesive before putting on the new plate (which has adhesive film on it already).


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