Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram 1602 Positioning Quirks?

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  • #57689
    BRONZE Member

      Hi all!! I’m new to the Beoworld but have been following it for awhile, since I’ve been in love with B&O design since a kid.. wont get too far into my enthusiasm & nostalgia for them in this post but..

      I recently (finally)luckily acquired my first B&O piece, the Beogram 1602. Fully working with an actual functioning stylus(rare on the used market it seems). Ive noticed though that sometimes it misses the record & falls to the metal platter and scares me every time that the needle may damage due to this!

      So question for you experts out there.. is there a way to bring the auto start point in somehow?? Or alternatively, is there a way to simply manually bring the tonearm into a starting position or track desired THEN hit the speed for the record?

      Also any way to play 45rpm 12″ records on this model? Ive checked previous posts AND downloaded the manual but found no specific info for this. It seems finding info for the 1602 is more rare than other models like the RX2 somehow.

      Please help me if you can it would be TRULY appreciated.

      Thanks in advance!

      BRONZE Member

        Never mind found the solution!

        Still can not figure out how to play 12″ 45s at 45rpm on it though since it always goes to the 7inch position when 45 is selected.. luckily I recently acquired a linear turntable I’ll play those on for now though, but if anyone does have a solution to it let me know 🙂

        Thanks in advance!

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