Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram 1001 tone arm wiring

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  • #53261
    GOLD Member
      • Netherlands

      Hi all,


      I bought a Beogram 1001 with some issues, for example the tonearm wires came off from the connector.

      I cannot find a service manual online where I could find how the wires need to be soldered.

      Does anybody knows on wich pins they come soldered?

      Or have a picture?

      Thanks in advance


      M J Vink
      SILVER Member

        In the 1001 housing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Red is hot right

        White is hot left

        blue and green are earth, to be mounted together

        Blank copper wire = general earth

        In the DIN plug, Red or black is Right, point 5 of dinplug. White is hot Left on point 3 .   Thin copper wire is earth cartridge on point 2 (middle pin)  Big copper wire is general earth to metal housing Dinplug

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