Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCord Beocord 7000 Dolby B and C sound terrible

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  • #45718
    BRONZE Member

      I don’t often use my Beocord 7000 but I like things to work properly.

      Playing a pre-recorded Dolby B tape sounds wonderful – it’s actually a great sounding machine.

      However, I noticed the other day that when making a new recording with Dolby B or C that the recording sounds … not great. It sounds much, much better without Dolby. So … what gives? If it’s a couple of capacitors, I can change them myself but if somebody could point me to the right direction, I’d appreciate it a lot.

      Location: Copenhagen
      BRONZE Member

        Sorry, it’s not a couple, it’s a lot of them. Around 50-80…

        … and the ones around the Dolby Chip are the reason for the bad dull sound. There you need MKS Wima +/-5 tolerance… and the the sound will be great instead +50/-20% electrolyth series crap.

        Selected +/- 1% MKS non magnetic in the complete sound path … and it will play audiophil.

        That’s hard work for some days and it’s not easy to get the material or do the measurements…

        The upgraded Beocord 7000 can play and record from a CD and no one can tell, what is now playing…tape or CD. Only a very few people can do this…

        This one has just some of the modifications (~30%)… just an impression what is inside and what is to do.


        BRONZE Member

          Oh crap – I don’t want to spend that much time on it since I rarely record anything on tape. Thank you for the answer.

          Location: Copenhagen
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