Home Forums BeoWorld around the world! Deutsche Beocord 5000/4921 Tasten/Panel ohne Funktion

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  • #53193
    BRONZE Member

      Hello everyone,

      I got a Beocord 5000 (Type 4921) from a friend. Inspection shows no abnormalities, but when mains voltage is applied there is no standby but an immediate ON status. The right part of the displays/LED in the front panel is dead, only the control on the left lights up. The control panel is also without function, buttons work mechanically correctly but nothing happens.

      But when I control the tape via my Beomaster 5000, at least some functions (Play, Rew, FF, Stop) are available.

      I’m not a technician and I’m hoping for tips on possible errors. Maybe I can get the tape deck to work again.

      thank you for your help


      GOLD Member

        Front panel cable/plug correctly seated?
        One or more buttons stuck down?


        BRONZE Member

          Hi Martin,

          yes, all plugs are seated correctly, double checked. All buttons are free.

          Why does it work with signals via link from my Beomaster?

          Any further hints?



          GOLD Member

            Question is not why something works.
            Question is why something doesn’t work.
            In your case, – where things basically works when commanded from outside but not
            from its own operation panel, there must be a problem getting the commands from the panel to the processor.

            Most problems of this sort are caused by cables, connectors, solder joints and
            stuck switches. However, the keyboard reading circuit could also be at fault.
            If the display on the front panel is also garbled, perhaps some circuit shared by those
            two functions should be looked at.


            BRONZE Member


              I agree with looking at keyboard reading circuit and displaying status and counter on front panel. But my knowledge on reading the wiring scheme is low.

              So for me it is only a tape deck for playing and winding, recording isn’t possible because of the not working button “Rec open” and “Rec open” can’t be set from the MCP 5000, or am I wrong?

              Another question: is there any command (or hidden command) to open the drawer of the Beocord from MCP 5000? Closing is possible by shutdown on MCP 5000.

              Thanks for your help, and your understanding. I’m new in this world of vintage machines and have to learn a lot of new things.


              BRONZE Member


                ich konnte die Probleme inzwischen selbst lösen. Nach wiederholten Durchmessen schien der TR24 (Schaltfunktion) der Übeltäter zu sein. Nach Austausch war tatsächlich alles wieder funktionsfähig. Nur die LED-Anzeige für den rechten Kanal war noch tot. Das war dem TR201 geschuldet, der erwies sich als fehlerhaft  und nach Austausch ist die Anzeige korrekt.

                Nun bleibt nur noch das leidige Problem mit dem Autostop (s.  anderen Beitrag) beim Vor- und Rückspulen. Da wäre ich für jeden Hinweis dankbar.



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