Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCord Beocord 2000 Delux K – When gear is moved to play it makes mechanisl noice

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    SILVER Member

    I have a Beocord 2000 Deluxe K. When i move the gear to play it makes a mechanical sound like a relay that switches on/off and the motor is not playing the take. The gear automatically moves to a neutral position.


    Would appreciate a hint on what the issue could be.

    BRONZE Member

    Do you have a tape inserted? That sounds like the auto-stop mech. is not sensing the tape (and returns the deck to neutral)

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    SILVER Member

    Yes i have but i might have inserted my tape wrong, will check again, thanks for this hint

    FOUNDER Member


    The auto-stop mechanism is triggered by a small section of metal tape located between the primer and the brown part of the tape where signal is recorded.

    2024-08-12 IMG_4342


    The tape has a glossy and a matte side. The latter should be in contact with head.

    2024-08-12 IMG_4344_1




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    SILVER Member

    Hi, the brrr noise happens when the joystick is moved from neutral to any of the operate positions when either or both of the 2 tape sensors is activated.

    One sensor on the right hand side of the tape head block is triggered by a conductive tape placed between the leader and the recording tape. The sensor is near the capstan, it’s visible when the tape head cover is removed.Check to see that the sensor piece is not touching the capstan or another metal part.

    The other sensor is on the left hand side of the tape heads.  There is a chrome plated tape guide with a gap facing the tape path. Without tape on the machine, movement of the joystick towards an operate position causes a thin rod to move from front to back of the recorder and enter the gap, where it triggers the brrr.   With tape threaded, when it moves up it rides on the tape and prevents the brrr.

    Hope this helps – good luck.


    SILVER Member

    Thanks for the hint about the tape, great to receive input from you experienced users.

    Have another few other question related my two De Luxe 2000 who i have obtained lately.

    1. When i try to play from a tape or and external source like a tape recorder it does not play any sound, their is power on the system and tape is moving when putting gear in play mode, what could be the issue?
    2. The second one is able to play a tape but i have an issue when i try to record, reading the documentation i see that i should press button 26 and 27 and mover the gear to forward it just plays what is already recorded, am I doing something wrong?
    3. Both De Luxe 2000 is not counting on the tape counter when playing, should only do so under special conditions?
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    SILVER Member

    Hi, seems like you have made some progress – good.

    Your question 1.

    First thing to check out is your external source, it would be helpful to know what that is and how it is connected to Beocord.  An easy source would be a smartphone connected with a cable to the radio DIN input on Beocord.  You need the correct cable for this to work.

    Playing from tape – when the tape is moving, try changing from 2 track to 4 track.  It is not unknown for the tape heads on these machines to fail, usually by going open circuit.

    Your question 2.

    You need to hold the buttons 26 and 27 depressed WHILE moving the joystick to the > position.  This should light 2 red lamps near the meters to indicate recording is in progress and lock 26 and 27 down.

    Your question 3.

    The tape counter is driven by 2 rubber belts which can fail.  Replace them and the counter will work.

    Cheers Peter


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