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  • #32492
    BRONZE Member

    Does anybody know the functionalities of this black box.
    A picture is shown on the Beosound 9000c pages on the B&o site.

    GOLD Member

    It is this box I guess

    It was discussed on the forum a little while back before the changes, but can’t seem to find the thread again.

    What the purpose of it is the the BS9000c setup is a mystery to me. Is it for the BS9000 to connect to the speakers? I would expect this functionality to be built into the restored BS9000 with that price tag

    Location: Denmark
    GOLD Member this one?

    My best guess would be that the BS9000 connect to that by wire and then the Beoconenct core transmit wireless to the speakers?

    But at that price tag I would kind of expect this functionality to be built into the restored BS9000

    Location: Denmark

    I was wondering the same. I assume its a essence or core without any ports.

    Location: Toronto, Canada
    GOLD Member

    My question would be why is this a separete box for a product whot this price tag?

    I know that the BS9000 is probably packed inside, but when it is restored something might be possible to do. Even piggybacking in an enclosute that matches the back of the BS9000 could be an option

    Location: Denmark
    BRONZE Member

    If it is a separate box with its own name, then one could expect it will be commercial available!

    Is it a new intermediate to connect older devices to NL?

    GOLD Member

    I just now realized that the product page says Encore. I just thought it said core when I first read it.

    Based on the use of the name Encore it could suggest a more basic version as it was the case with the Beosound 5 vs Beosound 5 Encore

    Location: Denmark
    GOLD Member

    It essencially is a small box, that connects a ML product – in this case the BS9000c – to the USB-C port of a Mozart-based product – in this case the BL28’s – (and some sw).

    It makes it possible to listen to and to control the sources of the 9000c – first of all the CD’s – with the Bang & Olufsen app/remote.

    There is – apart from the mentioning on the website for the 9000c/28’s combo – little said from B&O about it….you get that in the package.

    I (and others) would find it very strange, if this box would only be sold as part of the 200 piece 9000c/28 combo.

    There are several use cases, where this could help integrating old ML Beosounds with e.g. the BS Theatre…….not just with the thousands of BS9000, that are still out there doing their job, but also…..

    Please note!
    I have no further knowledge or insight – my thoughts are solely based on how it is described to work with the 9000c on the website.
    Untill now there is no user guide or alike for it in the Costumer Support section there.

    My best advice would be to ask a dealer about it and if this will be available generally. This way we could let B&O know that we would like to buy it seperately.

    I indeed, would like to have one ?


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
    BRONZE Member

    Or two?

    BRONZE Member

    According to @c-larsen, it is a converter from USB-C to ML interface, for *audio masters* only.  I believe this means you can’t push the sound in the other direction to the 9000, nor can you hook the converter up to your BeoVision 10 to get sound or control it.  According to @k-rasmussen, he doesn’t believe it can control the BS3200 incl. hard disk.  From these 2 informed comments, I feel that either it only works for the BS9000, or if a broader view of @c-larsen’s comment is taken, then at the very least nobody has really tested it with anything else.

    @k-rsmussen also said that the 9000 works in Option 0 (no ir) and the Beolab 28 or a Beoremote One can control the CD number, track, play pause, also with the MyButtons.  Because ML is used, it’s analog output, not digital (not the SPDIF), so the analog input via USB-C pins as configured in the interface spec in the Beolab 28 can therefore receive A.Aux (& presumably AM/FM in the USA) as well as the CD sound.

    GOLD Member

    I had read that too.

    However that ‘just’ describes the current state.

    I guess that a broader use is a case of engineering….
    …..and whether they will want to do so or not.

    We’ll see!

    Personally I am covered by the NL/ML Converter to pipe sound from my old Audiomaster/CD into the NL devices in my setup.
    Even if playback on my BS Theatre can not be initiated from the BST – only by ‘joining’.

    It would be a missed opportunity for B&O not to offer this broader, even if it was just for the thousands of BS 9000’s out there.


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark

    I have a BS9000 connected to an essence with Powerlink speakers. By the sounds of it this box won’t work in this situation unless it has more ports than just USB-C?

    Location: Toronto, Canada
    FOUNDER Member

    There was some talk/links over on Discord/BeoTalk of someone in Germany who had developed a Masterlink/RJ45 “device” than could integrate older Masterlink Products via the current NL protocols for 100Euro or so.

    I imagine the encore is not as well-developed as this little “professional but amateur” (or Amateur but professional) device this individual made and is now selling. As I own no ML products I was not really paying attention.but its out there for those that do.

    GOLD Member

    There was a thread here about this adapter end of 2023



    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
    GOLD Member
    On Mr10Percent said

    There was some talk/links over on Discord/BeoTalk of someone in Germany who had developed a Masterlink/RJ45 “device” than could integrate older Masterlink Products via the current NL protocols for 100Euro or so.

    I imagine the encore is not as well-developed as this little “professional but amateur” (or Amateur but professional) device this individual made and is now selling. As I own no ML products I was not really paying attention.but its out there for those that do.


    There was a thread here end of 2023 – This one


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
    FOUNDER Member

    How much would anyone like to wager that this little box is indeed the BC-Encore and it has a 3000Euro mark-up to be configured with the BS-9000c?

    FOUNDER Member

    Note to Moderators/site admin. Not sure if the “Quote” functions are working correctly on-site?

    BRONZE Member

    Scherm­afbeelding 2024-06-10 om 19.35.45
    New source, Beoconnect Encore, in the BeoLiving app. Visible in all Mozart platform devices.





    Scherm­afbeelding 2024-06-10 om 19.36.51

    In the BLI the purpose of the Beoconnect Encore is indicated; “classicsAdapter”


    BRONZE Member

    I run a powerlink cable from my Beosound 9000 into a Almando that is connected to my Beolab 5’s. I can control the Beosound 9000 fully with my BeoRemote One BT (which controls all my other units).
    I do not understand the point of that box, is it only to show it in the app?

    And if I want the Beosound 9000 to work with multiroom, I can connect a M3 (cheapest solution) or a Core.

    I will get the Beosound 9000 anodized like the 9000c, and make a new stand. Not sure what I will do with the light, I don’t like the cold blue white they have “upgraded”. Then I’ll call it a day.

    But I am very glad that B&O has upped the value and wow-factor of this classic unit. Suddenly you appreciate it even more.

    GOLD Member

    I run a powerlink cable from my Beosound 9000 into a Almando that is connected to my Beolab 5’s. I can control the Beosound 9000 fully with my BeoRemote One BT (which controls all my other units).

    Could you elaborate a little on how this works, Is it just the IR function from the BeoRemote one you use for this control or is it something in the Almando box (which of their products is it?) that can recieve the Bluetooth signals from the Beoremote One and relay them via the data in the powerlink cable?

    Thanks in advance

    Location: Denmark
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