Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCom Beocom 2 button cleaning tip

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  • #59300
    Jonathan McCall
    BRONZE Member

    I’ve found a great way to clean Beocom 2 buttons.

    Pop them all off from the bottom of each button (you can’t get 1&2 off without removing the screen glass).

    Get some Oxypowder and mix approx 2 teaspoons with some hot, but not boiling water. Put the buttons in and leave them for a couple of hours.

    Rinse thoroughly and dry. You’ll note that when they come out of the water it will look like all the paint has come off. It hasn’t- and once they dry, they should look much cleaner and brighter.

    Its safer than using isopropyl alcohol etc can be used on all sorts of grubby plastic bits.

    Do exercise caution though, if the water is too hot it can damage fragile plastic.

    Here’s some I prepared earlier….


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    Manfred Hans
    BRONZE Member

    Great! Looks like new! Where get this Oxypowder?

    Signature: "Be excellent to each other!" Bill S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan
    (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)
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