Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCenter Beocenter 9000 new laser required – Florida

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  • #43426
    GOLD Member

      I am looking for someone who can repair a Beocenter 9000 in Florida please. It needs a new laser optic. Thank you

      GOLD Member

        Hi, and welcome!

        How do you know that it should need a new laser unit? Who told you?

        Perhaps the laser is fine and it just needs a re-cap of the servo board.

        Capacitor kit for CDm Disc Drive Servo Beogram CD Beocenter


        Location: Burgundy
        BRONZE Member

          Or it needs a proper cleaning. There is a thread called “Beosound 9000, how to fix the laser” that links to a video on how to clean the laser under the lens and mirror.

          Location: Copenhagen
          GOLD Member

            Thank you both. The laser optic has been carefully cleaned and as it doesn’t read the CD any longer, it could be either problems as suggested. I will pass this information on the owner who is 83 years old and desperate to get his treasure working again. It seems that there is nobody in Florida that can help him.



              The laser optic has been carefully cleaned

              Do you actually mean above lens, under lens and mirror? Because surface cleaning of the lens is NOT a proper cleaning.

              Location: Paris France
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