Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCenter Beocenter 9000 C2103 current working type?

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    robert protin
    BRONZE Member

    Hi, i was gifted a bc9000 w link and gram… but no speakers. i think it looks cool but it’s mostly a novelty to me as it doesn’t really have a spot in my house.

    i just finished restoring the glass, amp, and tape deck. now i have the usual cd issue.

    I am well aware that c2103 needs to be replaced with a specific type for it’s filtering attributes.

    after an exhaustive search, i can not find any current manufacture caps that will work in this… previously mentioned, promoted, and linked options are are NLA

    i see mentioned vishay 138 33uf but these are now only in 40v (i know this is the breakdown voltage of dielectric and more v is ok) but these are black, not blue.

    i see DKsoundparts sells a kit, but i don’t want to spend $30 on one $3 capacitor (bc shipping to usa- sorry Dillen!)

    does anyone have a link to a us based supplier i can order a workable cap from?


    alternatively i’d be agreeable to re-homing it all if someone in the us NE wants to come pick it up

    BRONZE Member

    I have heard, but not confirmed for myself yet, that a similarly-spec’d cap can be found in the power supply for Sega Genesis video game consoles which are pretty easy to find in thrift stores nowadays. I keep looking myself, because I know it’s only a matter of time before my Beocenter 9000 falls victim to this malady. I’m actually trying to find a parts 9000 to squirrel away for when I need it. Mine is in my home office and gets played 4-5 hours every day. Next up for me is replacing the battery that powers the tone settings memory, mine resets every time I turn off the console. Good luck!

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    Did you visit this website?

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    Capacitor kit for CDm Disc Drive Servo Beogram CD Beocenter



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