Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beo5 and Beolab 3500

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  • #50467
    Peter Aalykke
    BRONZE Member

      Hi there.

      I normally start my Beolab 3500 using my beo4 by typing: Menu, 0, 4, Go – so the display in the Beolab says: MCL SEL, so I can play spotify music via my IPhone, using the Beolab 3500 as a passive speaker.

      Now I also have a Beo5, where I can start the cd player in my Beosound Overtyre, but I don’t know how to start my Beolab 3500 with the Beo5?

      D oyou have a hint to my, how to start the Beolab 3500 from my Beo5??

      All The best / Peter

      GOLD Member

        The Beo5 would  need to be programmed to add the Beolab 3500 if it doesn’t have it already.

        Is the Beo5 used to control anything else at the moment? Do you have a B&O setup or just the BL3500

        Do any of the screens on your Beo5 have the menu button already? If it does you can try pushing the MENU button, then the + button on the bottom of the screen, this brings up the numbers, press 0 4 then the middle button on the keypad. (GO button)

        If you programme the Beo5 yourself you can make that a macro so you press on one button and it does it all for you.


        My B&O Icons: Beo4 BeovoxBeosound-9000 Beoplay-EX Beoplay-E8Beoplay-A8
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