Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVision Avant 55 – high frequency sound from rear speaker

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  • #57785
    David Eyre
    BRONZE Member


      I have had a Avant 55 since 2014 and other than having the video card replaced the TV has worked well.


      Recently, however, I am experiencing a high pitched frequency sound coming from the rear speaker at the back left side of the TV.  It doesn’t happen all the time, and lasts for 1 second or so.


      I’ve replaced the HDMI cable, and swapped the Roku from connection 1 to 2, and it still makes the sound. It happens even when the volume is turned off, and seems to occur when I touch the back of the TV.


      Any ideas on what could be causing this and how to resolve?

      BRONZE Member

        In one Avant, one of the power supply transformers was squeaking; at first it seemed to be the loudspeaker. A piece of plastic and varnish solved the problem.

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