Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVision Any tips for a new Avant 55 owner?

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  • #46647
    BRONZE Member

      Dear members

      I recently got my hands on a 55″ Avant MK1. This was a well calculated downgrade from my previous Eclipse 55 MK1. The picture on the Eclipse was too bright for my taste and in some instances too “perfect”. I got a very good swap deal at my local dealer where I actually got £1.000 in exchange for the Elipse. The Avant was delivered with new video engine aswell as brand new MK1 panel! Pretty good deal I would say.

      I never experienced the Avant before now and at the time of release I was bashing B&O for not including HDR. Today I am very happy that they did not as I really enjoy the not overly bright whites – especially on the subtitles. Also this is – in my opinion – the very last proper B&O television. With all the bells and whistles. I really never felt the magic with the Eclipse.

      Well now on to the Avant. I love the image quality. Just perfect for my taste! One small downside is the edge lid panel. I have a few questions for those of you who has or have had an Avant.

      • What settings did you use for film viewing? (did you make any adjustments in the service menu?)
      • I can see the dynamic contrast kicking in – especially in dark scenes. Is there some way of making this less agressive or turn it completely off?

      Any advice is most welcome!

      Best regards,


      Location: Denmark
      GOLD Member

        Hej Frederik

        I had the Avant 55 1st gen for several years and have always been fond of that tv.

        I changed to a Theatre/LG combo because the video engine died a second time….and because I wanted to experience the new audio options here at home.

        I can not recall that I did anything other than using film mode (probably right from the start, never changed anything there).

        As for ‘dynamic control kicking in’ etc – this did not seem to have been an issue during that time.
        Could it be that you have already ‘been spoiled’ with having the OLED screen for a while ??
        Maybe the change in the quality of the source material over the years does something.

        I enjoyed the Avant – but the LG (with the right settings) is better.
        Somehow I – and definitely my wife – miss the Beo4/navi.


        Location: Flensborg————Danmark
        BRONZE Member

          Hi MM

          Thank you for your reply. That video engine is surely a major issue. Actually the engine died in the hands of the techniscian as he set up the screen. Therefor they chanced both the panel and the engine. Great service from B&O! Very happy that I got 2 years of warranty from my dealer on those new parts.

          I watched “Pig” last night and I really enjoyed the picture quality! Just some small instances of dynamic contrast being a little too agressive. But surely more controlled than on the BeoVision 11 that I also have had at one time.

          Best regards,


          Location: Denmark
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