Home Forums BeoWorld around the world! North America 5702 compared to S75 Speakers


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  • #59052
    Andy Cable
    BRONZE Member

    Owned some very early 5700 speakers and then upgraded to 5702s in the early 70s.  Was a B&O  Dealership – maybe the first w of the Mississippi in 72. Sold the heck out of 5700 and 5702 and hundreds of the SP12 cartridges.   Sold my Rosewood 5702s but have never found anything that I like as well for voice. Nearly impossible to find 5702s anymore.  Are the S75s similar ?  Have not heard them and would like some input.



    BRONZE Member

    There is a nice looking pair of S75 on Craigslist – Elmira, NY.  I am not familiar with the speakers or seller FWIW.

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